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Carolin Svenberg
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Hopsworks meets SOC2 Type II standards for data security and privacy

April 25, 2023
2 min
Carolin Svenberg
Carolin Svenberg link to linkedin
Marketing Communications


After achieving our ISO 27001 certification, we are happy to announce that we have successfully completed our second compliance certification, the AICPA Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type II audit. This achievement confirms that Hopsworks’ information security practices, policies, procedures, and operations meet the SOC 2 standards for security.

What is SOC2 Type II?

SOC 2 Type II is an auditing framework used by service organizations to demonstrate that they have effective controls and processes in place to protect the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of customer data.

To obtain SOC 2 Type II compliance, a service organization must undergo an audit by an independent third-party auditor who will evaluate the effectiveness of the organization's controls and processes over a specified period. SOC 2 Type II compliance is important for service organizations that handle sensitive customer data. It provides assurance to customers and other stakeholders that the organization has implemented the necessary controls to safeguard their data and maintain compliance with industry regulations.

SOC2 at Hopsworks 

Achieving this standard serves as third-party industry validation that we provide enterprise-level security for customer’s data secured in the Hopsworks system. It proves that Hopsworks is committed to providing secure products and services to safely and easily manage larger amounts of digital identities across the globe. 

Compliance is at the core of all of our operations at Hopsworks (read about our ISO 27001 certifiction) and we seek to continuously improve our compliance work by maintaining and expanding our certification scope. 

Our external certifications provide independent assurance of Hopsworks dedication to protecting our customers by regularly assessing and validating the protections and effective security practices we have in place. By acquiring and maintaining our certifications we hope to be a reliable and trustworthy vendor for our customers and partners for many years to come.
